The text of the data processing agreement:

In accordance with Federal Law № 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated 27.07.2006 you hereby confirm your consent to the processing of personal data by "INNFOCUS" LLC collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, transfer exclusively for the purpose of selling the software in your name as described below, blocking, depersonalization, destruction;

The Company "INNFOCUS" LLC guarantees the confidentiality of information received. The processing of personal data is carried out for the purpose of effective execution of orders, contracts and other obligations undertaken by "INNFOCUS" LLC as a binding;

If you would like to give your personal information to the copyright holder, distributor or reseller of the software for the purposes of registering the software in your name, you consent to the transfer of your personal information. "INNFOCUS" LLC warrants that the copyright holder, distributor or reseller of the software will protect your personal information under terms similar to those set forth in its Privacy Policy;

The following personal information is protected by this consent: your first and last name, email address, mailing address for order delivery, contact phone number, payment information;

There is no expiration date. You can withdraw this consent at any time by submitting a written notice to: Stakhanovskaya st.54p "Technopark Perm" 614066 Perm, Russiawith a note "Withdraw consent to process personal data";

Please note that withdrawing your consent to the processing of your Personal Data will result in the deletion of your account from the website and the destruction of the records containing your Personal Data in the data processing systems of "INNFOCUS" LLC which may make it impossible to use the Internet services of "INNFOCUS" LLC;

I guarantee that the information I have provided is complete, accurate and truthful and that it does not violate any applicable laws of the Russian Federation or the legal rights and interests of third parties. I have filled out all of the information I have provided about myself;

This consent is valid for the entire period of storage of personal data, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

To contact us
+7 342 254 02 16
Russia, 614066, Perm Territory,
Perm, st. Stakhanovskaya, 54P,
office 211, Technopark Perm.
The development was carried out with the financial support of the Innovation Promotion Fund